Juniors Fore Goryeb: Kids With a Cause
Kids4Kids members Cole Ekert and sisters Sydney and Whitney Lapper certainly had their hustle on for the second annual golf fundraiser, Juniors Fore Goryeb. The event co-chairs helped raise $30,000 toward gaming equipment for pediatric patients, doubling the proceeds earned from last year’s inaugural event. The 9-hole outing drew 40 golfers ranging in ages from 10-18 at Roxiticus Golf Club in Mendham.
Kids4Kids, the Foundation for Morristown Medical Center’s youth philanthropy group, encourages children and teens to get involved with philanthropy, volunteerism and fundraising through hands-on projects and group activities that benefit Goryeb Children’s Hospital (GCH). Now in its 11th year, Kids4Kids has raised more than $450,000.
With this latest golf outing, Cole and the Lapper sisters wowed the Foundation’s Major Gifts Officer, Gerri Kling, once again. “They make a significant impact on the hospital and set an example for other kids, showing them if you have an idea — go for it!” says Mrs. Kling.
Also new this year was special media coverage by former GCH patient Collin Berg. With the help of Calling All Kids — the Women’s Association’s television network that airs throughout the hospital — Collin interviewed golfers and volunteers about their A-game efforts on the green.