In support of the nonprofit Morristown Medical Center
and Goryeb Children's Hospital

How One Patient’s Legacy is Making Adult’s Wishes Come True

Piccoli family

Every 34 minutes, Make a Wish America® grants wishes to a child diagnosed with a critical illness. Children, however, aren’t the only ones with dreams to be fulfilled.

At Morristown Medical Center, the Paul Piccoli Adult Oncology Wish Fund, established in 2016 in memory of the fund’s namesake, was launched for this express purpose. With yearly donations from family and friends, Paulie’s fund continues to fulfill adult patient wishes as privately identified through hospital social workers.

“I have been volunteering at the Carol G. Simon Cancer Center for more than eight years now and have gotten to understand the long road that patients with cancer face,” Theresa Parise, Piccoli’s sister said. “Granting a wish provides some small relief from their struggles.”

This fall, Carol G. Simon Cancer Center patient Jessica Acevedo and her partner, Luis Hernandez, had their wish fulfilled for an overnight stay in New York City through the wish fund. The couple enjoyed a horse-drawn carriage ride through Central Park, a showing of the Lion King on Broadway and a delicious brunch and dinner. 

“To say that it was once in a life time experience is an understatement. One of the reasons it felt so special was because I forgot for a short time about my diagnosis,” Acevedo said. “I am beyond grateful for an opportunity like this, and I will never forget it!”

Please consider supporting programs such as the Paul Piccoli Adult Oncology Wish Fund this #GivingTuesday.

Jessica Acevedo and her partner, Luis Hernandez in carriage

Jessica Acevedo and her partner, Luis Hernandez at dinner
Jessica Acevedo smiling with a lion statue

Pictured above: Carol G. Simon Cancer Center patient Jessica Acevedo and her partner, Luis Hernandez.
Pictured in inset: Back row (L-R) the late Paul Piccoli and his wife Cathy. Front row (L-R) Andrew, Olivia and Melissa Piccoli.

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