In support of the nonprofit Morristown Medical Center
and Goryeb Children's Hospital

A Heartfelt Evening on Rooke Family Plaza in Memory of Lives Beautifully Lived, Hearts Deeply Loved

On September 7, 2023, the Foundation for Morristown Medical Center hosted the Memorial Wall Dedication on Rooke Family Plaza, an event celebrating the lives and legacies of loved ones. The Memorial Wall was created in 2014 and pays tribute to more than 100 individuals annually.

The evening featured a presentation of the names memorialized on the wall and remarks by Robert Tafaro, chair of the Foundation for Morristown Medical Center Board of Trustees, Brandee Fetherman, chief nursing officer for Morristown Medical Center, Caroline Unzaga, manager of Spiritual Care for Morristown Medical Center and Jennifer Smith, chief philanthropy officer for the Foundation for Morristown Medical Center. Attendees also enjoyed a heartfelt performance by vocalist, Madelyn Pasuit from the Mayo Chorus.

To learn more about dedicating a tile in memory of a loved one, please call 973-593-2400 or visit our Tribute Gifts page.

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